Saturday, November 24, 2012

Of Weddings, Dream Guy, And Zoren

I just finished watching Zoren and Carmina's wedding and as always, it made me teary eyed.  The romantic in me just can't help it.  I have witnessed a few weddings and the emotions brought by two people showing the whole world how they love each other and vow to stay in love forever overwhelm my tear ducts to the point of going ballistic.  Right now, Carmina becomes the envy of all single ladies (and gays) for having Zoren as her husband.  Normally, weddings are considered a "girl thing" but Zoren just showed how far a man head over heels in love would go to make her woman happy.  He just became everyone's dream guy.

All of us are looking for our own "Zoren" and we may have different ways of defining who our "Zoren" is.  I recalled a conversation over Facebook with a good friend a few days back about the qualities we are looking for in a man.  He hinted that I am the type who almost always go for the looks first.  Guilty as charged!  Well, I will not deny that I like a guy that is easy on the eyes.  Who does not?  But I would like to believe that the looks department is the one that entices me try a dish but what would me want to keep eating it and even ask for a second serving is something skin deep.

I want a man who is wise, who would offer a different perspective on life and would influence me to see the world the way he sees it.  Most of the time, I can not help but speak my mind.  I want a man who is bold enough to disagree with me and even win the argument.

I want a man who shares my interests.  Or even if he does not, he would still make an effort to show that he values those that I consider important.  I want a man who beats me in Tekken and even has the guts to tease me about it.  Someone who would ask me to teach him how to play badminton even if the only thing he does that comes close to a sport is "movie marathon."

I want a man who is supportive.  Someone who is still willing to be seen beside me after I have made a fool of myself.  I made a lot of stupid decisions in my life and I think I am bound to make more.  He should be ready to support my decisions and still be there as I face the consequences of my stupidity.  I consider myself fragile and I need a man who would be my "bubble-wrap."

I want a man who never fails to make me smile.  Someone who would understand my terrible mood swings, when I hate the world, when I hate everyone.  Someone who knows that only a tub of gummy bears would save the day.

My friend also has his own Zoren.  In the end we both agreed that our Zoren should be head over heels in love with us and that he should be very fond of us and it starts there.

Two years ago, I ended a three year relationship with a guy who I thought would be my forever.  He remains to be my greatest love though.  A man beautiful outside with a big warm heart.  A man who makes me happy not only in bed but also during times when the world tests my resolve.  A man so proud to have me by his side.  A man who would want nothing but to be with me forever.  But it did not work out.  Perhaps it just was not meant to be.  The decision to part ways broke my heart just as much as it broke his and it took time to gather the pieces and fix it.

That experience made me very cautious with the men I meet.  At my age, I want to find "the one" and the slightest hint that a person would not hit the mark makes me run the opposite direction.  I know it will not be easy to find what I am looking for but I know it is not impossible.  I found him once I know I will find him again.  The one person who will make me happy, the one person I would want to share forever with is just out there, waiting for me to find him.  My Zoren.

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I respect what you are going to say. But please, refrain from name calling and other bad words. Peace!