Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Of Vacations And Photography

The thing about me and photography is that I'm always too lazy to take out my camera to capture those awesome moments.  I just let other people capture it for me.  But there are fleeting times when I get the impulse to patience to pan and shoot and they would turn out perfect.  In a place like Boracay, where almost everything may look amazing, this is not very hard to achieve.

So whenever I'm there, I make it a point to shoot one or two pretty pictures.


[caption id="attachment_119" align="aligncenter" width="545"] Sand, Sea, Sky[/caption]

Who would not fall in love with its powdery white sand, pristine green waters and its majestic sunset.

[caption id="attachment_120" align="aligncenter" width="545"] Tale Of Two Sunsets[/caption]

Aside from the view, another thing that is worth capturing would be the people.

[caption id="attachment_121" align="aligncenter" width="436"] Obligatory Paparazzi Shot[/caption]


  1. Beautiful! I'm the opposite; I take too many pictures and every now and then forget to stop and take it in.

  2. Haha... I know what you mean. if i get myself a good camera, i'll probably do that... :)


I respect what you are going to say. But please, refrain from name calling and other bad words. Peace!